Hello, Cake

So last week was my 22nd birthday. Not exactly a great day by any means, but I do greatly appreciate the few people who REALLY tried to redeem it. My sister sent me three cards for my bday and they are just too funny not to share:

Birthday Card Numero Uno

I think this one is quite hilarious because I do rely on Facebook a pathetic amount to know when it is someone’s big day! Here comes card number 2:

Card Numero Dos

This one is hilarious to me for several reasons.

1. I do feel kind of old, but my sister seems REALLY old.

2. Morgan (sister) and Adam (husband) are the same age, so this makes Adam also seem really old.

3. The thought that Morgan and Adam are both 24, which rounds up to 25, which is only five years away from the big 3-0 scares the poo out of me.

4. I feel old because I am in relation to the almost thirty year olds. Hmm. Strange how that works?

The third card she sent me was interactive and said, “Sorry everyone left town on your birthday!” So true, so true. The ‘rents were in Italy, M is in the Big Apple, and Adam was sleeping. ha ha. But it’s all good. Morgan also amazed me when I got card number FOUR! Let me remind you that my sister is somewhat famous for mailing things late, not returning phone calls, etc. But I must say that she is dramatically improving! I got a loaded card on my bday. It was really sweet and inside the envelope there was a cd of tunes and lip gloss. Gosh, I just love lipgloss. Thanks Morgan! Soon her other gift came to me- SUPER cute earrings. Hoops with blue beads on them. Thanks Morgan, you rock!

Adam did a pretty good job on my bday too. I will tell you that the two days before my bday, I had a migraine and still had a leftover headache on that day. Adam’s head hurt too. But he did bring me breakfast in bed πŸ™‚ Then he slept all day (he works the night shift) and I went to get my car inspected..more on that later. When he finally woke up around 5, we dressed up and went out to Chickpeas, my new favorite restaurant! We split cheesy garlic bread and a yummy pizza (I should have taken a pic. Homemade dough, homemade sauce, slices of mozzarella mixed with sausage and baked to perfection). Then we went home and he made funnel cakes for my birthday cake! I just wanted a funnel cake. I can’t explain it. Maybe it was because I knew I would be missing the Daffodil Festival, thus, missing my annual funnel cake. But our home made ones were OH SO GOOD! We also rented Role Models from our RedBox. HILARIOUS movie! I guess we just needed a little bit of wildly inappropriate in our life, because it was truly hysterical.

So, onto the reason why this blog is titled, “Hello, Cake.” Mrs. Jones (my mom’s best friend who is like an aunt to Morgan and me) also was on a mission to give me a happy bday, so we (Adam and I) met her in Shortpump on Monday. We ate at the Baker’s Crust at Shortpump (which I HIGHLY recommend the Chocolate Charlotte for dessert!). We had a lots of good conversation in our quorky, fun booth and then went on to shop. The shopping went well and I got a very cute summery scarf. Maybe a post will come soon with a pic πŸ™‚ It was so nice just to spend some time with her and I so appreciate the effort and time that she is putting forward to get to know Adam. It means a lot to me. Mrs. Jones is simply fabulous. She is encouraging, funny, highly intelligent, and is always up for difficult or light conversations. Thanks Mrs. Jones, for simply being you! Sorry, I digressed a bit from the actually cake subject, but here it comes. Mrs. Jones also brought me a birthday cake from Sugar Plum Bakery(http://sugarplumbakery.org/). Mrs. Jones frequently spoils our family with confections from this fine place and they have all been excellent. Not a dud in the batch! She brought me a birthday Mozart cake. Quite wonderful!

The cake actually looks just like the pic on the website! Amazing! Beautiful AND yummy!

The cake actually looks just like the pic on the website! Amazing! Beautiful AND yummy!

Adam was a little pouty that I wanted a pic of him and his cake. He had just woken up. I am a mean wife sometimes. Oops.

Adam was a little pouty that I wanted a pic of him and his cake. He had just woken up. I am a mean wife sometimes. Oops.

Excuse the way gross, non-showeredness of this picture. It was just so good!

Excuse the way gross, non-showeredness of this picture. It was just so good!

Thanks, Mrs. Jones πŸ™‚

Hopefully soon I will have some pics of all my new sewing goods πŸ™‚ I’ve been busy with curtains and throw pillows! Mom and Dad gave me a sewing machine that I love love love! She needs a name. Any ideas?

One thought on “Hello, Cake

  1. Thanks, kid, for not only reminding me AGAIN that I’m drawing closer to 30, but also telling the world FALSELY that I do not return phone calls. Ok, maybe I have gotten a card or two in the mail late…but I never have postage and that’s not my fault! We grew up with Did giving us a year’s supply of stamps in our Christmas stocking, what is a girl to do now?! Go buy them herself?? Never, I say.

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